
Have you ever wondered about the validity of the scientific explanations we've been taught concerning the origins of the universe and man, or for the existence of God like I have? I was born into a Catholic home. I was an altar boy and even attended parochial schools through 12th grade. Even then, while I was in school, theories like Darwinism, Evolution, and the Big Bang were being taught as scientific facts right alongside subjects that included Jesus and the Bible. I even had textbooks, that we proved earlier, had altered photography showing how all embryos basically look alike to support Darwinism. These photos we learned earlier have been debunked, yet many schools still have the concept in their curriculum as we previously discussed.


As a young man, I embraced along with my classmates what the teachers and the textbooks said about these subjects as truth and began viewing the world through this prism of understanding. This wasn’t because the theories made logical sense, but out of blind faith because a scientist or teacher said it was so. I watched my parents’ enthusiasm for church wane to holidays only. We never talked about religious matters and didn’t enjoy the fruits of a Biblically-led lifestyle or education.   


Later in life, I remembered taking my children when they were younger to the natural history and science museums around the country during family vacations. We would see exhibits showing examples of our supposed evolutionary path through exhibits like Java Man or Lucy. As I walked past those exhibits and read the museum’s explanations in their printed material, I always wondered how scientists could create drawings and full-sized models of supposed missing links to modern man with evidence only supported by a skullcap and a leg bone found 50 feet apart. How could they know that it was an evolved anything versus just another ape?



As I became a family man later in life, we loved to take the children camping up in the mountains where you can see the stars so clearly at night. My children and I use to point out different constellations and we would turn the event into an astronomy lesson. As I gazed up into the night sky, I would reflect on the elaborate cosmology exhibits we’ve seen in various museums during family trips that explained how an explosion caused our universe to come into existence. After my experiences blowing up firecrackers as a kid, my own observations of explosions only resulted in destruction, not order. So, I could never understand how scientists believed that we could achieve the kind of order that you can set your clock to out of an explosion.


I began to question the lessons I was taught in school. How could everything we experience just happen by mistake all by itself? Why are just certain theories being perpetuated by the media and our scientific, governmental, and academic communities? What if everything we see and experience in the world around us wasn’t so random and there were better explanations for our origins?

As I began to learn about alternative theories for our existence, I often marveled at the lack of flexibility public school teachers had in teaching all the available theories for our existence and challenging their students to draw their own conclusions. After all, if there is scientific evidence supporting another theory, then why not bring it to the table for discussion? When I queried them, they pointed to guidelines they are all forced to follow that carry job-threatening consequences.


These teachers and professors seemed to fear for their jobs if they ever were caught presenting for consideration by their students another theory of our origins.  There appears to be a high level of institutional resistance in academia to allow students to have an open and honest discussion of the relevant facts that support the opposing theories of our existence in order to form their own conclusions. What was stunning to me, was how some students were being attacked for their faith by their teachers or so-called professors.


The media follows the lead of the science and academic groups. If the scientific establishment says the earth is a billion years old, the media all follows the party line and produces documentaries, museums, and TV shows that perpetuate the worldview of these groups. I’m sure they followed and repeated this discourse believing the validity of what must be “documented evidence” that supported the precepts espoused by scientists. I thought, who are these scientists and educators and what do they believe? Why not have documentaries on other alternatives? Maybe because the accepted worldview had one explanation regardless of alternative evidence.


I’ve often thought and have said previously, could there be an agenda at play to maintain certain theories to reshape our worldviews?  If so, what would be the end game with an agenda like that?  I asked myself, what if there was a logical and scientific explanation for our existence, as well as that of the universe? How can the world around us that seems so connected and interdependent be random and evolve by pure happenstance? 


This excerpt is from "Angels of Demons - The Battle for Your Mind - Finding Truth in a Sea of Lies" available on Amazon. Click the link to learn more. 


© 2023

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